Monday, March 23, 2009

second third and fourth

vince says:

the past few days have been surreal. we have been swimming almost everyday and in the most beautiful places imaginable. second day saw us with brent and alicia in the 4WD BMW going to the Waikoloa Village. The original plan was to go hiking near Waimea. Unfortunately for all of us, me and ian woke up too late and we could not make it in time. We stopped by an italian deli where we had great food and did a little bit of shopping. It was a long drive, about an hour and a half, up the mountains and down again, and it started to rain. At first ian thought it was cuz we were driving into clouds (at the top of the mountain) and the condensation caused the rain, but no it was really raining. But it was like we were not on the Big Island anymore, the scenery was so picturesque and beautiful, it was like being in Ireland.

That night we drove back and made it in time for the Luau, which was this traditional Hawaiian ceremony. Actually come to think of it, held at a hotel and for tourists, how authentic could it be right? But there were free drinks (unfortunately we were both 'carded' - which is what it means to be checked for IDs) which although we could not have, Brent and Alicia were too nice to go an extra round to get me drinks (ian does not drink - teetotaller lol). We set and saw the perfect setting sunlight. The host showed us all how Hawaiians cooked their meat in what is called an Earth Oven, and I can't remember exactly how it was done, but something about piling lots of soil over the chicken over layers of white cloth. Anyhow i took a video of it so when I put it up again you guys can check it out.


The later part of the evening saw the lovely hawaiian ladies and men demonstrate their traditional dances and I tell you, theres something about these people and how perfect their physique was. The ladies had the most psychadelic hips ever. In the words of Ian, its like they "disjointed their hips from the rest of their bodies and let them swing from side to side REALLY fast". The men were HUGE. Andrew you can suck it. Thats just how huge they were. AND add to that they were well-defined and really really muscular. In the nice way. I like that.

After the luau, Brent asked if there was anything that we wanted to do. I was silent for a while but I couldn't take it anymore so I asked if we could find a place which sells Jagermeister, an alcoholic drink I am currently infatuated with. Earlier that day we had went to Costco, and I just couldn't find it there! That left me a little depressed. But Brent chuckled and drove us to Safeway, and there, I saw the beautiful green bottle. I bought two for a total of US$48. Oi Hanrong, Singapore's totally ripping us off those bastards. Fuckin two bottles for the price of one bottle in singapore lah! fuck!

The third day we went to Fred's place. Fred's this really funny American friend of Ian's uncle Paul, so earlier on the first day we were having dinner and we sort of invited ourselves to his place. Anyway I digress. We went over to Fred's house, which we were told it was really huge.

The house itself wasn't exactly huge, but the land it sat on was HUGE. And the house itself was BEAUTIFUL. The scenery was BEAUTIFUL. The house had a pool, which overlooked the Pacific ocean and I tell you, the sunset there, is just fantastic. Me and Ian jumped into the pool and sat there wishing either one of us was a girl so we could share that pretty pretty moment. Its just surreal. It was truly the Hawaiian dream. Sitting by a pool with a sunset and beer (yes there was beer). We had beers and a nice garden salad and four pizzas after that swim. Later on Fred set up a fire pit which is basically a homemade campfire, and we set there in our deckchairs talking warming ourselves by the fire pit, talking everything from singapore politics (guess who was doing most of the talking) and national service. Alicia agreed with me on some issues, which was sort of a big deal for me cuz she's Californian and she sees the point that we couldn't even vote to fight for our country and our government. Uncle Paul and Fred disagreed, until I qualified myself and said that I would fight for my country but not the government, and we sort of left it at that. It was an interesting conversation that night.

Yesterday was sort of a work day. I tried to edit the videos for upload onto this blog, but Premiere Pro kept screwing up on me and refused to add the audio with the video, and to spare you from the details let me just say that it was absolutely shit. I have given up with the video logging thing for now, but when we get back I promise I'll get something up. Me and Ian also worked on the house for a bit, seeing that I'm living off charity and accumulating LOTS of debt with the Locklin's (Ian's aunt and uncle) I felt it was better to start clearing my credit. Not a bad job, cleaning the wood by the oceanfront. We had a spectacular view. We also sent Brent and Alicia back to their beautiful Chico in California. Aunt Yen Yee wanted to see how I would drive, so today, for the first time, on the 22nd of March 2009, I drove a 4.4litre BMW Z5 4WD on an American road. I tell you now, thats a damn powerful car lah! Just a fantastic feeling.

Today I had a little accident as I was picking up the mail for the Locklin's. I drove the golf buggy off to the resort office, and was just pulling into the parking lot when I braked, and took my foot off. Now for buggies you gotta really press the brake down until it sticks. I didn't, and it started rolling backwards. I panicked and tapped the accelerator. The whole buggy bolted straight in front, and hit this potted palm tree. The pot broke into a million pieces, and the tree fell onto a window of the facility's office. Luckily the window did not break, but I was given a telling off by the staff. I felt really bad about it, and after picking up the parcel I went straight back to the house, and told them what happened, and apologized profusely. They made several phone calls but otherwise it was okay, nobody was injured and nothing was damaged save for that clay pot. I told them I would foot the bill and they agreed. Thank god nothing really bad happened. Looks like my chances of driving the Porsche is shot to pieces now. Or even the BMW. Sigh... I was so embarrassed, it looked like i couldn't even handle a golf buggy! Argh!!

And now I gotta go off for dinner! Can't wait! Last night I had HUGE US steaks grilled on our barbeque, and tonight its Hainanese chicken rice. Should be good!


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