Saturday, April 25, 2009

last day

vince says:

So we've come to the end, la di da. As much as I miss the coyotes back home, I feel immensely fulfilled that I have managed to make it this far and this long on these beautiful islands. I have physically done a lot, and you have read about them on this blog. I would like to take a moment to thank the people that I've met (and there are many).

First and foremost, I want to thank my parents for footing the bill for this trip. It was a long time coming, I knew you took warnings for the trip since before I started army - no hint was missed out whenever I mentioned "Hawaii" or "...going with Ian". I am just especially grateful that Mom and Dad gave me their blessings for this trip, and sponsored me thus far. I promise you I'll get that darned scholarship so at least I can say I have done my part. I love you both. College is awaiting and I will not disappoint.

Ian you snarky ass thank you for putting the thought of this trip so early since the end of JC2 and thank you for letting me come with you and meeting your wonderful relatives. I know we've gotten really close during these 6 weeks, and the fact that you're leaving Singapore for US for your studies later this year fills me with dread because I will be losing one of my best friends. We've done almost everything together this trip and I will miss irritating you during pool games at John's house and together with your aunt insult you regarding your weight and farts. Oops I did it again. Sorry! (you know i'm not really, ha!)

Aunt Yen Yee and Uncle Paul - how shall I begin? Since the very first day when Uncle Paul slapped me on the back as I was gazing awestruck at the magnificent view of the Pacific Ocean from your patio and gave me an ice cold beer saying "Welcome to Hawaii" to the day when you mocked us whenever we did one of the many many chores around the house to this final day when we sat around the front lawn staring at the sunset... It has been a really surreal experience and you have opened your doors so graciously to me, a mere stranger, affording me a genuine friendship and hospitality that from now on I shall measure against. Every meal which you paid for me or cooked for me I have not forgotten, and I promise you I'll try to repay that debt somehow. Aunt Yen Yee you were like a mother to us when we're here, from waking us up in the mornings - "EH HELLO WHAT TIME ALREADY STILL SLEEPING" to bringing us to Costco and footing our bills upfront and everything up to the final day when you helped us both pack our stuff for travelling back to Singapore. Thank you for everything again, and you can bet I will be back again, this time when I'm more financially independent so I don't have to work those menial chores again!

John Ryan; Anne and Hal from next door - Thanks for opening your doors and welcoming two highly impressionable boys to your rather dramatic house. I will always be impressed with that Steinway and Sons grand piano and your personal observatory and your underground cellar. I will be treasuring that night we spent playing pool in your office and getting really drunk and high afterwards with Jim Schumacher downstairs and all that jokes. You have showed me that rich people can be really fun and down to earth, and maybe one day we will meet again. Personal note to Hal - you can bet we'll be in touch soon.

Uncle Fun and Aunt Mabel - thank you for allowing me into your family and again, showing me hospitality and I don't think I can forget the day you selflessly gave me "some" spending cash. Thanks for driving us around Oahu rather safely as well (inside joke with Ian).

And last but not least, thank you to the wonderful girl that spent the many long nights on the island with me. I know it will be hard for us to meet again, but you never know huh. I've always treasured your company, especially when we counted shooting stars and talked about everything under the sun. You made quite an impression on me, and I will miss you very much.

So thats that. Thanks to everyone who reads our blog, this shall be the last blog until the much distant future when we finally get off our asses and spare you a snapshot or two and the long-awaited video which I will finally get around to editing. See you all back in Singapore!

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