Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More to come!

Fun says:

Hi guys, i know its been a pretty long time since we updated anything haha. Not because we havent been doing anything cool. but quite the opposite! After coming back from Honolulu with my Dad, stepmom and cousin Sandra, we went to the volcanoes, hiked down a rainforesty area and across the caldera (word for a crater bigger than a mile across). More details on this when i finally load all the damn photos on photobucket. Ive been lazy. im SORRY.

My other cousin, Shannon also came over from Honolulu over the weekend despite his busy university schedule to join in my 21st Bday celebration!! 11th of April! So it was great having bday wishes coming in on the 10th here and on the 11th too! Im sorry if i didnt reply your smses to those who might have sent me some greetings. My handphone went totally dead. it wont charge even. So all the msges BOUNCED. so.. EMAIL ME THE CONTENTS YA?! Heh heh.

- Im sorry Vincent i need to hijack the blog for a personal vendetta-
Here goes!

Im very happy i managed to spend my coming-of-age here, (and hence avoid getting drunk), but part of me really wished to be back home with all you guys. From P9 to the JC clique to the slacker clerks in Kranji camp. Heres a shout out to you for having always been a phonecall or a msn away for me to bug the hell out of you. I apologise for all that i might have done to piss any of you off at any one point in time and you guys have no idea how much your friendship means to me. And here is a big, huge, GI-NORMOUS thank you to all you people who has made my life as beautiful as it is today. Especially family, on both sides. Your support and love has bolstered me through much of my *unseemingly* tough times and rough patches.

And ABOVE ALLLLLLLLL!!!! Thank you Dad. I heard somewhere that a son watches his father's back as he grows up, and will always strive to shadow him *in most cases anyway* and live to be another excellent example of Life to his child. Well, im not as hardworking or dilligent as my dad, but hey, i turned out alright, in some aspects. I hope. I love you Dad, and im sorry to have disappointed you long enough. It wont happen anymore.

To Mom, who is pleasantly residing somewhere around me (i can feel you all the time!), and hopefully you have access to the internet..hehe. You may not have walked alongside me on Earth long enough, alive. but even to this very day, i can still feel your hand on my shoulder when im in need of comfort, the prodding of your fingers on the edge of my lips when im sad and your warm embrace on each of these long lonely nights. I could really go on and on forever with this really.

Forever you will live on inside of me. Thank you for the life you breathed into me.


I love all of you. Thank you.

Well..er..okay..i didnt think i'd get that emotional.

ANYWAY! i digress, this has become a birthday speech and i shan't invade my holiday blog with anymore of my own vain feelings. HAHA. Just remember my presents kay?

- okay back to real holidaying! -

Another really exciting thing we did..was to go all the way up to Mauna Kea. White Mountain in english. Mauna meaning Mountaing and Kea, White. It deserves so much more then a passing mention like so in this crummy lacklustre post, but the pictures are being uploaded as we speak. It was absolutely.....Well. THATS for another post =D

Just dropping this post to whet ur appetite for posts to come! Cheers all! We will be back soon! Sooooooooooo START DATING US SOON! hahahah!



I nearly forgot. HAPPY BIRTHDAY STANLEY GOH. i hope you get this! This is the only year we didnt celebrate our bday tgt since 2001(I think)?! ZOMGGG. Love you MAN. HAHA. My treat when we get back alright?! Take care till then!

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